Friday, October 6, 2023

The Global Perspective on Pharmacy and Pharmacists - Insights from Pharmacist Christina Bekhit

Pharmacy and pharmacists are essential components of all healthcare systems. As we look at pharmacy and pharmacists from a worldwide perspective, it becomes clear that these professionals not only play a crucial role in the provision of healthcare services, but also make substantial contributions to public health and patient wellbeing on a global level. In this blog, Christina Bekhit, a pharmacist who has made important contributions to the discipline, will share her perspective on the diverse role of pharmacists and their expanding duties.

Accessibility to Medication: One of the main responsibilities of pharmacists worldwide is to make sure that pharmaceuticals are accessible. By giving patients the appropriate drugs and dosage recommendations, they act as the gatekeepers of prescription drugs. The availability of healthcare is increased because many nations allow pharmacists to provide over-the-counter advice and serve as the initial point of contact for minor health concerns.

Medication Safety: Pharmacists are essential to ensuring the security of medications. They validate prescriptions, look for any drug combinations, and instruct patients on how to use pharmaceuticals safely. This control aids in preventing negative drug reactions, cutting down on medical expenses and patient harm.

Pharmacists have developed into proactive public health advocates, especially in areas like immunization. They participate in health campaigns, deliver vaccines, and educate the public about immunizations. This was notably true during the COVID-19 epidemic, when pharmacists—among them Christina Bekhit—played a crucial part in the delivery of vaccines.

Medication Management: To improve patient outcomes, pharmacists are becoming more involved in medication management programs. They collaborate with medical teams to ensure that patients take drugs as prescribed, addressing problems including non-adherence and assisting patients in properly managing chronic diseases.

Pharmacy professionals are crucial to handling the intricate supply networks for drugs on a global scale. They oversee drug quality, handle regulatory procedures, and guarantee the accessibility of necessary pharmaceuticals. In handling global health crises, such as guaranteeing access to medications during pandemics, this role has proven crucial.

Telepharmacy: With the development of telepharmacy, pharmacists' ability to perform services remotely has increased. Particularly in rural and underdeveloped areas with limited access to healthcare, this innovation has been helpful.

Research and Development: Pharmacists, such as Christina Bekhit, participate actively in research and development, which helps to find novel drugs, drug formulations, and treatment methods. Their knowledge is essential to the development of pharmaceutical research.


With insights from committed professionals like Christina Bekhit, the global perspective on pharmacy and pharmacists highlights their crucial role in healthcare, public health, and the wellbeing of people everywhere. Their duties now extend beyond simple distribution to include supply chain management, drug management, and public health advocacy. Pharmacists are crucial roles in maintaining access to safe and effective pharmaceuticals, improving public health, and advancing medical science in today's interconnected world. Pharmacists like Christina Bekhit will continue to be at the forefront of healthcare innovation, fighting for patients' rights and enhancing global healthcare results. Hope this information is helpful for you. To learn more, visit here:  Christina Bekhit.


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